Four SEO Practices That Can Ruin Your Website : A Must Avoid

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Only 20 percent of the people living in the USA are familiar with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and the rest 80 percent do not even know what it means or how it works. However, a lot of these people do have their websites or blogs up there, but have no idea what to do with it.

Not knowing what SEO really is may result in the loss of an opportunity and a lot of errors when the businesses are on their way to try to understand some other ways to gain better ranking on Google or any other search engine.

What is bad SEO?

The unprofessional or expired practices in SEO that do not meet the perimeters of the guideline of Google webmaster tools are known as BAD or “BAD SEO”. Some of the worst SEO practices may result in being blacklisted by Google. Here we have given five key mistakes that may ruin your website:

  1. Duplicate Content

Every time you write content on your website you should make sure that the content you just published is unique and attractive and should avoid writing duplicate contents. Duplicate content is not good for your website’s SEO . The reason for this is that if Google or any other search engine has the same content present in their index, there will be no reason to index your web page as it does not have anything new to offer.

If there is any un-unique content present on your website that you think is useful for you or is attracting the readers or visitor or have a positive impact on your business, you should “NOFOLLOW or NO INDEX” those pages so they won’t have a negative effect on your website’s SEO.

  1. Keyword Stuffing

Repeating one keyword again and again, not because they are useful in the content, but because you have to optimize your copy is a one of the worst practices of SEO. It will not only demoralize the people who are visiting your website from reading or interact with your content, but it’s also a signal to the search engines that you are trying to trick the search engine algorithms. Giving the key pharases in the opening paragraph, description, title and a few more times in the body is enough. About 1% density is acceptable and the standard.

  1. Doorway pages

Even if these practices are not in use anymore, but some people are still trying to get some benefits from these practices. Doorway pages are the big amount of pages of bad quality where every page is optimized for 1 phrase or keyword and diverts users to a single destination. Google strongly frowns upon this type of practice because it confuses the users and is breaking the guidelines of the Google.

  1. Paid links (of all kinds)

Making an amazing blog or a website takes some time and needs a lot of hard work and patience to make the content and to get the best natural backlinks. If left all that you want to take a shortcut, you’ll see some temporary changes at the start, but will also see failure after some time.

Purchasing any kinds of links is a bad practice and its Google may figure this out sooner or later and it will result in decreasing your ranking on the search engine and then you’ll need to much difficult to attain something better online.

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